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Strawberries Swedish Dishcloth


• Made in Sweden • Dimensions: 8″ x 6.5″ x 0.1″ (20.3 x 16.5 x 0.3 cm) • Weight: 0.3 oz (9.1 g)
In stock
Article number: STR-SWE-DIS

Wipe spills from the countertop big or small. Multitasking Swedish dishcloths are compostable cellulose sponge cloths that tackle any household jobs. Plus, it's perfectly safe to use them with a full range of cleaning products and wash them over 200 times. Swedish dishcloths are versatile, super-absorbent, reusable cleaning cloths that take on the tasks of sponge, dishcloth, and paper towel. Count on it for just about everything.